Setting: Void

Homeworld of Xeyr, M, and Jewel.


In its beginning, Void had spirits, who are default-bodiless beings with magical abilities of various power levels. Some of the spirits are good, some are neutral, and some are evil.

When incarnates started showing up this became a problem, since the evil spirits started liking to mess with them. The good spirits did their best about it but they couldn’t protect everything and they couldn’t fix everything.

So the good spirits shattered the world into pieces and trapped all spirits above a certain power level in the Void between the pieces. Lower-powered spirits can sometimes get in, some spirits can sometimes embody themselves in, in-between powered spirits sometimes get an opening to do something or other, but the higher-powered spirits are trapped in the Void.

Incarnates in general can’t get between pieces independently, though some pieces have crossing-points and the like.


Sorceresses (come in various genders but that’s the general name) are a race of incarnates created by some evil spirits to serve them. They have power over plants, make illusions, and sometimes some other things. The also come in various power levels. Sorceresses are infertile; to reproduce they collect reproductive material from other incarnates (usually humans) and use this to grow their children on trees.

At a point where the relevant evil spirits were away being bothered by the good spirits, the sorceresses took the opportunity, ran off, and successfully hid themselves such that their previous masters couldn’t find them.

The evil spirits were predictably upset about this.

If sorceresses aren’t collected off their trees when ‘ready’ they continue to grow and at some point drop independently. At this point, it was/is a thing that sorceresses collect children above a certain power level, and leave the rest. Some of them survive and are called side-branch sorceresses.

Since they couldn’t get at the rest, the evil spirits cursed the side-branch sorceresses. The curse is that anyone who hates some kind of group of people on sight and could plausibly take a side-branch sorceress for a member of that group will do so.


Xeyr is a side-branch sorceress, M is a spirit’s body the spirit abandoned that became conscious for some reason, Jewel used to be a spirit (neutral turned evil).

Xeyr was growing on a tree and Jewel-as-a-spirit was present on the piece of the world that was the center of the shattering. This is the cause of Xeyr’s immortality and world-hopping.

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